无锡办公楼设计公司欣赏--M.Y.Lab木艺实验室发表时间:2021-01-20 14:44 设计的开始/Preparations M.Y.Lab木艺实验室上海店位于上海市长宁区,原东风沙发厂厂房一层,单层面积300方,边上有新增的150方单层附房,附房和界墙之间形成很小的三角形场地。业主希望能把原有300方的单层厂房隔成两层,作为木作培训的体验性商业空间使用。 The M.Y.Lab Wood Workshop is located on thefirst floor of a warehouse, which usedto be the Dongfeng Sofa Factory inChangning District, Shanghai. Adjacent to the warehouse, it is stood anew-built 150㎡ attached room, formingatriangle lacunain-between. The task is to refurbish the 300㎡one-storey warehouse into a two-storey commercial space, which is tobe operated as a wood crafting learning centre. 初见场地的印象/First Impression 初到场地,印象最深的不是空间本身,而是破败厂房建筑旁仅隔一道围墙的地铁高架线路。每隔一两分钟,就会有列车快速从高架线上开过,发出巨大的轰鸣声。时刻提醒着我们所处城市的国际化与现代性。 What left the most impression in the siteon the first visit was, instead of thespace itself, the overground separatedfrom the old warehouse by just thewarehouse’s enclosure. Trains pass throughthe overground rail every otherminute or so, leavingloud rumblings behindechoing in the place, as a reminderof the long way of globalisation andmodernisation this city has come. 而在场地南侧,拆除的市场空地上留下的整块整齐的室内地面铺装,如史前遗迹般的隐喻着飞速的城市更新进程,也标记出某种历史的坐标网格。过去、当下和未来在此处如地质剖面一般呈现在眼前。 In addition, to the south of the site, awhole block of interior pavement left by a demolished market signifies, as ahistorical monument, the city’s progressionon self-renovation. All in this veryplace, the past, present and future is gathered and revealed. 这种现场的感受强烈而清晰,再次审视这个空间未来将承载的主要功能——木艺学习,作为一门长期隐匿于现代都市日常生活之外的技艺,正像某种失落的遗迹,需要在这里被重新挖掘出来。 As the nostalgia atmosphere deepens, woodcrafting centre, the future role that this space will play, is tasked with asimilar subject. Wood crafting, as a conventional technique that left behind byour modernised urban lifestyle, is in need to be rediscovered as a piece oftreasure lost in time. 两个黑盒子/Two Black Boxes 另外,我们在整体流线中还设置了两个金属黑盒子。一个是从一层上二层的旋转楼梯,楼梯的顶部做法呼应了主体空间的斜吊顶。另一个是附房中连接户内外的水吧区,它一半在室内,构成了附房区域的形式主题,另一半在户外,我们在黑盒子与院落间的门内设置了一个天窗,窗下为一单人座龛。学做木工的休息时段,可以在这里享受安静的独处时光。 Inaddition, two black metal “boxes” areintroduced into the route. One, with astaircase inside, is located between thetwo storeys as a transportation junction,whose tilted top parallels the form ofthe ceiling in the main space. The other“box”, functioning as the tearoom, islocated between the attached room and itsyard as a pathway. Half of the boxinterlocks with the interior, bringing intothe space formative diversity. Whilethe other half is exposed in the yard,with a niche-like space for resting rightunder a skyline. During breaks,students can have a bit of time with themselvesin this nook. |